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My (neoheterandria elegans) Tiger Teddy very successfully traced


For some time I have gained me some cool and not offt occurring fish (Tiger Teddy). At least this Tiger Teddy species were not so familiar. It must be said that such a Tiger Teddy  real marvel is none. This species Tiger Teddy (Neoheterandria elegans)  is unfortunately mitlerweile from the pet shop partly disappeared which is really a shame, especially because it just fits very well in a nice nano aquarium. The female of the Tiger Teddy (Neoheterandria elegans) is greater than the Maenchen of Tiger Teddy (Neoheterandria elegans) and of course full. Both of these fish of the species Tiger Teddy (Neoheterandria elegans) reach a maximum size of about 1 cm which is extremely cool suitable for nano aquarium. Both these fish Tiger Teddy (Neoheterandria elegans) have also almost identical coloring. I myself have to swim over 100 pieces of this magnificent aquarium inhabitants at home. Tiger Teddy (Neoheterandria elegans) prepares a fish of joy in any case to Nano Aquarium.